welcome to cathode ray dude's blog. please be aware that i'm a lot cruder on here than on youtube.

you can subscribe via RSS. point your reader here: RSS Feed



viv 2024/11/01 12:28

i have no idea how to read this lol

rando 2024/10/28 12:24

Your RSS feed seems to not be valid xml ?

cathode ray dude 2024/10/28 13:48

W3Cs validator says it's valid RSS, just has two security-themed recommendations that I don't care about. what are you seeing and where?

rando 2024/10/31 06:58

I'm using the feedflow android app, which won't subscribe to the feed cuz it's not xml, and loading the feed manually I can confirm it's not xml. Is there some other kind of non-xml feed I just don't know about? πŸ€”

cathode ray dude 2024/10/31 16:45

Are you using the URL https://blog.cathoderaydude.com/feed.php ? W3C says it's fine, none of the RSS readers I've used complain about it, and I tried a generic XML validator and it just says there's no DTD or XSD, which are not hard requirements. I think your reader might just be upset that it's not returning a text/xml mime type, which is weird if so. I suppose I could try overriding the server header.

Scribble-Sheep 2024/10/27 16:21

The prose of Bootdesks (Server).rar always did bring a tear to my eye. They were so far ahead of their time, it's like the system clock wasn't set correctly when they were created.

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Last modified: 2024/10/27 15:33